New Year’s Eve offers in Bruxelles

The best offers of Hotels and Villages in Bruxelles for New Year's Eve. Discover the offers with children free. Take advantage of discounts and access promotions and unmissable rates. Visit the site compare offers in Bruxelles, save and book your next vacation.

First Euroflat Hotel

Hotel starsHotel starsHotel starsHotel stars Bruxelles 8.3 Fabulous

The First Euroflat Hotel in Brussels offers spacious rooms and modern comforts in the European Commission district, close to the metro and tourist attractions. Ideal for business trips and tourism.

from € 162 per person per night

from € 162 per person per night

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Dal 29/12 al 01/01

€ 162 person/night

3 nights, 2 Adults € 970

Hotel Floris Arlequin Grand Palace

Hotel starsHotel starsHotel stars Bruxelles

The Hotel Floris Arlequin Grand Palace offers modern rooms in the heart of Brussels, near the Grand Place, with a buffet breakfast and stunning panoramic views of the city.

from € 173 per person per night

from € 173 per person per night

Register now for Club Discount

Dal 29/12 al 01/01

€ 173 person/night

3 nights, 2 Adults € 1.036

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