
  • Parking
  • Shower with curtain
  • Wi-fi connection
  • Crockery
  • Wi-fi connection in the rooms
  • Weekly change of towels and linen
  • Free parking not covered
See all servicesSee all services


Servizi struttura Servizi struttura

  • Parking
  • Wi-fi connection
  • Free parking not covered
  • Bicycle storage
  • Baggage storage

Servizi camere Servizi camere

  • Satellite TV
  • Hair dryer
  • Shower with curtain
  • Shower in private bathroom
  • Air conditioning
  • Balcony
  • Crockery
  • Shower cabin
  • Wi-fi connection in the rooms
  • Weekly change of towels and linen
  • Balcony with panoramic view
  • Private veranda with tables and chairs
  • Rooms always with low beds

Cancellation policies

Cancellazione gratuita fino a 30 giorni
Da 29 giorni a 15 giorni penale del 30%
Da 14 giorni in poi penale del 100%

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