New Year’s Eve offers in Munich

The best offers of Hotels and Villages in Munich for New Year's Eve. Discover the offers with children free. Take advantage of discounts and access promotions and unmissable rates. Visit the site compare offers in Munich, save and book your next vacation.

Flemings Hotel München Schwabing

Hotel starsHotel starsHotel starsHotel stars Munich

Cozy and modern, located in the heart of Munich. Perfectly connected to public transport and close to major attractions, it offers comfortable rooms and excellent services.

from € 76 per person per night

from € 76 per person per night

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Best Western Hotel Arabellapark

Hotel starsHotel starsHotel stars Munich

Best Western Hotel Arabellapark: cozy and modern, located in Munich. Close to public transport and attractions, it offers comfortable rooms and excellent services.

from € 74 per person per night

from € 74 per person per night

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Unsöld's Factory Hotel

Hotel starsHotel starsHotel starsHotel stars Munich 9.4 Exceptional

Located in the center of Munich in the Lehel district, just steps from the English Garden and Maximilianstrasse. The city's historic center is reachable on foot or by Metro in just 3 minutes

from € 79 per person per night

from € 79 per person per night

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Eden Hotel Wolff

Hotel starsHotel starsHotel starsHotel stars Munich

Art Nouveau-style building dating back to 1890, located across from the city’s central train station (Hauptbahnhof), ideal for exploring Munich and having easy access to public transportation.

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