New Year’s Eve offers in San Martino di Castrozza

The best offers of Hotels and Villages in San Martino di Castrozza for New Year's Eve. Discover the offers with children free. Take advantage of discounts and access promotions and unmissable rates. Visit the site compare offers in San Martino di Castrozza, save and book your next vacation.

Hotel Fratazza

Hotel starsHotel starsHotel stars Trentino Alto Adige San Martino di Castrozza

In a splendid panoramic position 900 m from the center of San Martino, famous for the fantastic "Pale", the hotel offers warm and welcoming rooms 100 m from the ski lifts.

from € 70 per person per night

from € 70 per person per night

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Hotel Europa

Hotel starsHotel starsHotel stars Trentino Alto Adige San Martino di Castrozza

It is situated only 150 meters far from the ski slopes of Tognola and about 10 minutes away from the center of San Martino di Castrozza. This is the perfect hotel for families and those who want to ...

from € 50 per person per night

from € 50 per person per night

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TH San Martino di Castrozza

Hotel starsHotel starsHotel stars Trentino Alto Adige San Martino di Castrozza

Located in the heart of San Martino di Castrozza, Hotel Majestic Dolomiti is surrounded by a magnificent private park, from which you can enjoy the view of the majestic Pale di San Martino.

from € 59 per person per night

from € 59 per person per night

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